Arizona State Map

Arizona is a state of the United States located in the southwest area. The country is famous for the desert, with very hot summers and winters are not too cold. Arizona is one of the Four Corner States, in addition to Utah, Colorado and New Mexico. Four Corner States is a state bordering right on one point. In addition, Arizona is also bordered by Nevada and California in the United States, as well as Sonora and Baja California in Mexico.

Arizona State Map

Arizona is the 48th state which makes it the last part of the US state in the Americas. The famous Grand Canyon is located in this state. Its inhabitants are usually called Arizonans.

Thousands of years before the arrival of the first Europeans, indigenous peoples lived in the region where Arizona is currently located. Today there is still an important population: an estimated 280,000 Indians live in Arizona, spread over the state's many Indian reserves.

At first, Arizona was colonized by Spain, passing to Mexican control in 1821, when Mexico became independent of Spain. In 1848, for the purpose of US intervention in Mexico, most of Arizona (north of the Gila River) passed into American hands. President Santa Anna of Mexico sold what would become the southern part of the state at Venta de La Mesilla in 1853. On February 14, 1912, Arizona became the last US territory within the 48 contiguous states (ie , Not counting Alaska and Hawaii, which are not limited to any other state) in acquiring state status.

Today, Arizona has been at the center of controversy since it passed Arizona's SB1070.5 in May 2010, the most comprehensive and strict anti-illegal immigration bill in recent decades. This law has received national and international attention and has provoked considerable controversy. Important representatives of the Government of the United States of America have described it as "a violation of civil rights", "a type of apartheid" and have stated that "its application may force the differentiation based on ethnic reasons".
